About Us

Cambridge LGU

Cambridge LGU (CLGU), operating under Cambridge LGU Management Inc., is a premier International Distance Education and Applied Learning Institution. We strategically collaborate with top colleges and universities to facilitate student pathways and study abroad programs. CLGU excels as a Center for Applied Management, Business, and Resourceful Information Development, with a focus on Leadership, Governance, and Global expertise.

Our offerings encompass traditional, online, and blended learning courses across a broad spectrum of disciplines. We provide both accredited and non-accredited non-degree programs, alongside customized solutions tailored to meet the specific learning requirements of individuals and organizations worldwide.


Our mission is to deliver quality Education through Partnership with Institutions and Individuals for the advancement of knowledge.

Advocacy Programs

Currently we are offering Advocacy Programs with 32 courses available. We are giving these programs through scholarships and sponsorship with minimal registration fees and with no hidden charges to the Out-of-School youth and adults; the Hearing and Speech Impaired; as Supplemental Courses for Senior High School (Grades 11 and 12); Applied Studies Certificate/Diploma in Leadership & Governance for the teachers, military personnel and others (as added training/seminar); and the Cambridge LGU English Proficiency.

We Target:

  • Individuals who wish to continue full-time employment while earning their degree(s) 
  • Individuals who have interrupted their college education and find it difficult to return to a traditional campus to complete their degree requirements. 
  • Military personnel who are stationed in remote areas. 
  • Military personnel who are not stationed in one location long enough to attend and complete traditional courses. 
  • Individuals who need academic credentials to earn promotions or increase in income. 
  • Professionals whose license renewals depend on specified extended courses of education.





  • Employers who wish their employees trained in specific areas without losing the continuity of their service.
  • Individuals already established in careers that do not necessarily require additional academic credentials but need a degree. 

  • Single parents who have dropped out of school. 

  • Individuals who for health reasons are unable to complete their degrees in a traditional classroom setting. 

  • Individuals who were unable to complete their degree programs due to incarceration, and 

  • Others who require a degree(s) to enter state, local government or the civil service. 
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